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School Support Service
School Support Service – Money and benefits advice service in secondary schools
What money and benefits advice you can get at your school, and how to make an appointment.
What advice you can get
You can get help and advice about money worries, including debt, budgeting, benefits, housing, and employment, at your child’s secondary school or Additional Support Needs (ASN) school.
If you have money worries of any kind, please make an appointment, and find out if they can help you.
The advice is free, impartial, and confidential for any parent or carer with a child or young person at:
- secondary school
- Additional Support needs (ASN) school.
The service also provides advice to any young person over the age who 16 who attends school as well as school staff.
You’ll meet with a Citizens Advice Bureau advisor in a private room set aside for your appointment.
Make an appointment
You can make an appointment:
- online on the School Support Service website
- call 0141 889 2121.
You can book whatever school suits you, on the best date for you – for example, if you’d prefer an appointment to take place at a different school to the one that your child goes to, or your child’s school doesn’t have appointments on a suitable day.