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Castlehead High School > LGBT+ Equality

LGBT+ Equality

Castlehead High School aims to cultivate a happy and caring community that fosters a culture of learning and where success is celebrated. We are committed to ensuring that all young people at Castlehead High School are safe and happy; listened to and respected; engaging in a wide range of learning opportunities; and achieving positive outcomes. We want our young people to love coming to school, to see it as worthwhile and as a place with excellent opportunities to learn and grow, equipping them with the life skills for a successful future.

We have successfully achieved the LGBT Youth Scotland Schools Charter at Gold level to proactively include lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals within all aspects of school life. The Schools Charter provides a clear framework, which when followed, ensures that schools are not only meeting the legislative needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) young people, but that they are as inclusive as possible.

As a school, we have already taken a number of steps towards creating a safer, more inclusive school community. A large percentage of staff voluntarily engaged with a very informative training session, delivered virtually by LGBT Youth Scotland, where they developed their knowledge and awareness of LGBT young peoples’ experiences at school. We have a proactive staff and pupil equality group who meet regularly to discuss ways in which we, as a school, can promote equality and inclusion.

LGBT Charter of Rights


Castlehead High School is committed to ensuring that lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender young people (LGBT) experience a safe, inclusive and nurturing education. As part of the Charter we will be looking at our policy and practice, including our legislative obligations in the context of LGBT equality.

  1. LGBT people have the right to be themselves and to live free from prejudice and discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.
  2. LGBT people have the right to be kept from harm and be protected from hate crime, bullying and other forms of violence.
  3. LGBT people have the right to be heard, treated fairly and their views and experiences taken into account.
  4. LGBT people have the right to be healthy, with equal access to healthcare, and the impact of prejudice and discrimination on health properly addressed.
  5. LGBT people have the right to form relationships, free from abuse and with equality of recognition.
  6. LGBT people have the right to privacy and information about sexual orientation and gender identity not disclosed to others, without consent to do so.
  7. LGBT people have the right to education that recognises diversity and implements programmes that seek to eliminate prejudice on the grounds of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.
  8. LGBT people have the right to be cared for free from prejudice and discrimination and in every setting.

Useful Links

LGBT Youth Scotland:



Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (FFLAG):