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Castlehead High School > Police Scotland Recruitment Showcase

Police Scotland Recruitment Showcase

Police Scotland Recruitment Showcase

See behind the scenes of Police Scotland as we showcase our policing talent at our Recruitment and Training Centre in Jackton on Saturday, 1 June, 2024 from 10am to 3pm.

At this event you can:

Speak to serving police officers and staff, find out what it is like to work for Police Scotland and learn about the wide variety of jobs available from police officer and support staff roles to opportunities to volunteer as a special constable.
See demonstrations from our dog unit, mounted branch, public order and armed policing specialists.
Have the chance to take part in a mock fitness assessment we use for police officer and special constable recruitment.
Learn more about the recruitment and vetting process.
Find out about high quality training and development opportunities.

You can attend the event at any time between 10am to 3pm.

Find out more and sign up for our recruitment showcase event.

Please note that sign up for this event is not compulsory. However, those who do register for the event will be able to receive reminders and updates about the behind the scenes recruitment showcase event, any future recruitment events and job opportunities.

If you have any questions, please email: