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Castlehead High School > Uniform
Our dress code in Castlehead reflects aspiring, hard -working young people. It is important for every pupil that this is the message we send to prospective employers and the wider community.
Our uniform is:
- White shirt and school tie
- Black jumper
- Smart black trousers / black skirt
- black shoes / black trainers
We are committed to working with pupils to ensure that every pupil displays the high standard we are aiming for.
Uniform can be purchased at SchoolWearMadeEasy in Paisley or on the online store by clicking here
For PE, the uniform is blue t-shirt and black shorts. Items for the PE uniform can be bought from the school via ParentPay, and the pupil can collect the items from the PE department.
Renfrewshire Council encourages each school to adopt a dress code and for any proposed changes to be discussed with parents, pupils and the parent council. The council supports an agreed dress code because of the benefits it brings, including improvements in safety, security, discipline, ethos, community spirit and a decrease in bullying and expense for parents.
Some types of clothing will not be allowed in school for reasons of safety, decency or indiscipline. Types of clothing which will not be allowed include:
- clothes which are a health or safety risk
- clothes which may damage the school building
- clothes which may provoke other pupils
- clothes which are offensive or indecent; and
- clothes which encourage the use of alcohol or tobacco, or other inappropriate substances.
Pupils will not be deprived of education, any benefit or access to examinations because of not wearing school uniform.
In the interests of health and safety, of both individual and others present, all jewellery, including body jewellery, must be removed before taking part in physical education lessons or physical activities.
Grants for footwear and clothing for children are available to parents receiving certain benefits. Please see the council’s website:
Information and application forms for free school meals are available from schools, registration offices and customer service centres or download a form from the council’s website: